The Mental Health Journey of a Military Spouse

Relationships can be difficult to maintain, even with a “stable” day-to-day life. For military spouses, those difficulties are amplified by military life. Training, long hours, deployments, and more all contribute to the magnification of relationship problems.

Bianca Martinez-Oberhelman joins Dr. Fedrick in this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected. She is a retired military wife currently residing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She was there at the beginning and throughout her husband’s career in the SEAL teams and the transition to a civilian family. She did all of this while maintaining her own career. Super woman? Are you?

Key takeaways from Dr. Liz’s 1 on 1 with Bianca:

Listen to Bianca’s story
Learn about the phases of being a military spouse
Find out how he handled the “disruption” of deployment homecomings
Find out why Bianca calls deployments “survival mode” for the stay-at-home spouse
Hear about the importance of resiliency in the military spouse community
Learn about some of the signs that someone you love may need help.

All this and more, in this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected.

Learn more about Bianca on her website and blog:
Follow her on Instagram:

To learn more about Dr. Elizabeth Fedrick, visit her website https://

Connect with Dr. Fedrick on Instagram:

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