Weight loss: Why strength training is the best for burning fat – without even trying

It’s personal to everyone, but there’s a kind of which has proven to be the gold standard for burning stubborn . The post-workout pump isn’t the only thing you may feel after strength training—in fact, your body is likely to reap the benefits long after you’ve finished exercising. Adding weight to even the simplest movements could be the key to supercharging your weight loss, and Express.es spoke to fitness experts to find out why.

Why is strength training better than cardio for weight loss?

While cardio is famous for its calorie-burning benefits, the long-lasting effects of weight-bearing exercise simply don’t compare to hours spent on a treadmill.

speaking to Express.esElliot Upton, head of online training for Ultimate Performance, said, “After a good weight session, you’ll burn more calories for longer.

“Weight training, done correctly, will increase the amount of muscle tissue you have, which will increase your metabolic rate.

“For example, a well-executed full-body training session will likely elevate your EPOC, your ‘excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption’, sometimes known as ‘calorie afterburn’, for up to 48 hours later.”

Swapping cardio for strength training helps you burn fat, without consuming your body’s muscle mass.

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How does strength training burn fat even after working out?

Displacing stubborn visceral fat and tapping into the body’s abdominal fat store is a common goal for many people looking to lose weight.

The lasting effects of strength training come from the body’s recovery process after working the muscles, which allows the body to burn even more calories beyond the workout.

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speaking to Express.esformer commando and performance specialist, Thibo David said: “Many benefits associated with strength training are well known and documented, from reducing the risks of heart and chronic disease to improving brain health.

“But strength training can also increase your metabolic rate, increase your body temperature, and cause you to burn more fat even after you exercise.”

Known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), the rate at which the body continues to work beyond exercise depends on a number of factors.

Thibo explained that metabolic rate, sleep, and dietary requirements all come into play when assessing the body’s COPD, but there are three key signs to look out for:

  • An elevated heart rate throughout the day.
  • Increase in temperature throughout the day.
  • Sweat a lot after exercising

The thermogenic effect of exercise is a crucial component of sustained fat loss, but how hard do you have to work to reap the benefits beyond exercise?

Elliot of Ultimate Performance believes that the best way to keep the blood circulating through the body is to combine upper and lower body exercises of eight to 15 repetitions with short rest intervals of 30 to 60 seconds.

He added: “Unlike doing long-duration, steady-state cardio, where your body quickly adapts and you have to run farther, faster, and more often to get the same benefits, weightlifting can be a more efficient and effective for your hour in the gym.”

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What are the best exercises for strength-based fat loss?

While any movement is considered good for overweight people, using specific strength exercises is one of the best ways to speed up results.

Dalton Tessier, a personal trainer specializing in non-restrictive, sustainable fat loss, explained: “The saying goes that if you don’t use it, you lose it, and this is absolutely key to losing weight and burning fat.

“If someone is a cardio lover, they can definitely include weights at the same time because they can try HIIT, every minute on the minute (EMOM) or tabata style training, which will really get the heart rate up while getting the benefits of functional training. strength training.”

While everything from hormones to your daily lifestyle will affect how you lose weight, Dalton pointed out five key functional exercises that can be easily done in everyday life.
These include:

  • Deadlift: to train the legs, lower back and core
  • Squats- to work the lower body
  • Romanian Deadlift – engages the glutes and hamstrings
  • Burpees – involves the whole body
  • Lunges – for glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves

Grocery bags, cans, and other weight-bearing items can replace dumbbells if you’re short on equipment or choose to exercise at home.

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