Is the medicine real or fake? Identify in this way, life will be saved and you will also be healthy

How To Identify Fake Medicines: People eat medicine to get cured from diseases. By taking medicine on the advice of the doctor, the disease of the body gets cured quickly, but nowadays many duplicate medicines have also come in the market, which are being sold indiscriminately. Their consumption can be fatal. In such a situation, whenever you go to the medical shop to buy medicine, identify the real and fake medicine in these ways..

Unique code to identify genuine-fake

Before buying the medicine, know one thing that the unique code is printed on the original medicines. In this code, complete information is available from the manufacturing date and location of the medicine to the supply chain. Antibiotics, pain relief pills, anti allergic medicines are included in this list. In such a situation, whenever you buy the medicine, do not forget to scan the QR code made on it. With this, you will easily get the complete information about the medicine and you will be able to find out whether the medicine is genuine or not. Sometimes the QR code is not applied to the counterfeit medicine.

Is the QR code secure

Some people also think that when it is easy to make fake medicine, then how long would it take to copy the QR code. After all, how can QR codes identify real and fake? QR code can also be copied. So tell that it is not so, because the unique code made on medicines is of advanced version, as well as it is issued from the Central Database Agency. With each medicine, its unique QR code is also changed. In such a situation, barcode is used only once on any medicine. It is not in anyone’s capability to copy it. It is mandatory to put barcode on all medicines above 100 rupees. So avoid buying any medicine without barcode.
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