With the knock of summer, the season of ‘watermelon’ also came, know what are the benefits of eating watermelon

Watermelon Health Benefits: Eating fruits according to the season gives maximum benefit of the nutrients present in them. As now summer has knocked. In such a situation, the season of Watermelon ie Watermelon has also come. This juicy and delicious fruit is rich in water content. This is the reason that it helps in keeping your body hydrated. The fun of eating watermelon in the summer season is something else. However, like other fruits, it is also considered beneficial to consume it in limited quantity, otherwise opposite results can also be seen.

You can eat watermelon during breakfast or between breakfast and lunch. You can also enjoy it in the evening. But always avoid eating it at night, because then it can upset your stomach. Let us know what are the benefits of eating watermelon in summer.

benefits of eating watermelon in summer

1. Immunity

Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, which helps the body produce collagen for immune function, cell structure and wound healing. Watermelon contains vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are helpful in keeping the skin healthy and promoting hair growth.

2. Weight Loss

Some people think that watermelons are sweet, so they can increase weight. However, some studies have shown that 100 grams of raw watermelon contains only 6.2 grams of sugar. So you can eat it without worrying about gaining weight. Watermelon has high water content as well as fiber, due to which you do not feel hungry in between meals. It is also low in calories so you do not have to worry about gaining weight.

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3. Improves heart health

Watermelon contains many essential nutrients which work to keep the heart healthy. Some studies have found that ‘lycopene’ present in watermelon can help reduce cholesterol and maintain blood pressure. They are also helpful in preventing oxidative damage caused by high cholesterol. Apart from this, ‘citrulline’, an amino acid present in watermelon, produces nitric oxide which prevents sudden increase in blood pressure.

4. Good for eyes

The ‘lycopene’ present in watermelon is also very beneficial for your eyesight. According to research, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of lycopene may help prevent age-related molecular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a common eye problem, which can lead to blindness in older people.

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