Why does nose bleed in summer? Learn how to get rid of this problem

Nose Bleeding Treatment : Many types of problems start happening in the summer season. In this there is also bleeding from the nose. When the temperature rises in summer, then the amount of moisture in the air decreases. Due to this there is dryness in the nose. Due to dryness in the nose, dryness or bursting wounds occur in the veins. Because of this, bleeding starts from the nose. Bleeding can be a problem due to dryness. This problem is more common in children between 3 and 10 years of age. But even older people can be troubled by this problem. This problem can also occur due to allergies in the nose, damage to internal veins or blood vessels, lack of nutrients in the body, blood pressure, excessive heat, excessive sneezing, cold or rubbing the nose rapidly.

Follow the remedy, blood will not come from the nose

keep body hydrated

Keep the body hydrated as much as possible during the summer season. Drink water as much as possible. Due to excessive sweating from the body in the summer season, there is a shortage of water. Therefore, use liquid more. Apart from water, take coconut water, sherbet.

don’t eat these things

Hot things should not be eaten in summer. Consuming hot things puts pressure on the blood vessels of the nose. Due to this, blood starts coming from the nose. Therefore, hot spicy food should be avoided as much as possible. Water should not be drunk immediately after eating.

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use cold or hot packs

Whenever there is bleeding from the nose, use cold or hot packs. The cold pack should be placed above the nose, whereas, the hot pack should be placed below the nose. This lowers the blood pressure in the veins and stops bleeding.

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