Are you playing with your life in the pursuit of beauty, understand before plastic surgery

Plastic Surgery  Side Effects : Nowadays what people do not do to get beauty. Some are not happy with their facial features, some do not like their lips, some feel that if their eyes were a little bigger, what would have happened. Because of these desires, the desire for plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery increases. Today plastic surgery of different parts of the body is being done in the world. However, plastic surgery also has many side effects and sometimes it can be fatal. Therefore, if you also want to get beauty by getting plastic surgery done, then you should be careful. Let’s understand from two cases..

Case- 1

American model Christina was 34 years old, she wanted to look as beautiful as actress Kim Kardashian. For this he took the help of plastic surgery. After this, the report came that due to coming out of surgery, he had a heart attack and lost his life. After this, many types of questions also arose regarding plastic surgery. There is another case of America, when model Jennifer Pamplona also got many plastic surgeries done in the desire to look like Kim Kardashian and her look also got better but after a while she got upset with the new look and again to get her look. Got surgery done, due to which the face got damaged.

Case- 2

The second case is of Canadian actor St. Von Colucci, who had to look like BTS singer Jimin. Because of this, he thought of changing his look. Got 12 surgeries done one after the other, spent crores of rupees but the result was mind blowing. He got infection due to surgery and implants and died recently.

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Like Christina, St. Von Colucci, many people want to change their look but they should be careful.

Beware of plastic surgery

The side effects of plastic surgery are many. There is a need to take some precautions so that your life is not in danger. That’s why whenever you feel like surgery, it should be understood well from the surgeon expert. Think of surgery only after being completely tested and healthy, however, also keep in mind that many problems can occur during this time also. There may be problems like bleeding, pain, discomfort, infection, leaving surgical marks. Most of the problems are cured by the doctors, but sometimes the condition may worsen due to not getting the desired result. That’s why plastic surgery should never be done to fulfill the hobby. Before taking such a decision, take a complete opinion by meeting a good surgeon and understand every detail including side effects, only then proceed.

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