Eating mangoes cooked with chemicals can cause many diseases, keep these 4 things in mind before buying

Who does not like to eat mango in the summer season. In this season everyone is fond of enjoying this juicy fruit. Due to the increase in demand of mangoes, some marketers use chemical injections to ripen them quickly, due to which many health problems can occur. When it comes to health, we need to be careful at every turn. Today we will tell you about some such methods, by knowing which you will be able to identify naturally ripened mangoes and artificially ripened mangoes.

Which chemical is used?

Calcium carbide is injected to ripen mangoes, which releases acetylene gas when it comes in contact with moisture. This helps in ripening of mangoes quickly. It can cause many serious health problems, such as skin irritation, respiratory problems and gastrointestinal problems. 

How to identify the right mangoes

1. Pay attention to the color of mangoes: While buying mangoes, do not forget to pay attention to the color of mangoes. Whenever a mango is ripe by injection of chemical, then green spots appear on it and they can be easily identified.

2. Size of mango: While buying mango, do pay attention to its size as well. The size of chemically ripened mangoes is very small. Juice is seen dripping from these. If you see such a mango, which has a white or blue color mark on it, do not make the mistake of buying it even by mistake. Because it can be a mango ripe with chemicals.

3. Immerse the mangoes in water: You can also detect chemically ripened mangoes in this way by immersing them in water. Mangoes that sink in water are naturally ripe. While the mango floating on the water is cooked with chemicals.

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4. Try mango by pressing: It is very easy to identify ripe and sweet mangoes. While buying mango, try pressing it lightly. Perfectly soft mangoes are naturally ripened. But if you are feeling tight somewhere or the mango looks ripe but is not ripe, then understand that it has been cooked with chemicals. 

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or a related expert.

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