More Minors Getting Addicted to Tobacco, Reveals Study

Bhavna B. Mukhopadhyay, CEO of the Indian Voluntary Health Association, said: “The Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-2017 says that approximately 27 million people use tobacco in our country and approximately 12 million people die every year due to tobacco-related diseases. The average age of initiation of tobacco use in India is 18.7 years. Men start using tobacco at a younger age than women.”

Professor Surya Kant, head of the department of respiratory medicine at King George Medical University, said: “Tobacco smoke emits harmful gases and chemicals, most notably nicotine and tar. In total, it has been found that 70 chemicals are carcinogenic, but these facts are ignored by tobacco users.

Dr. Abhishek Shukla, Secretary General of the International Medical Association, said: “Smoking bidi is more harmful than smoking cigarettes. Because of the low amount of nicotine in bidi, nicotine addicts need it again and again. In our country, addiction to of smoking It is higher in men than in women.


Dr Amita Shukla, Senior Gynecologist at SC Trivedi Memorial Trust Hospital, said: “One of the reasons for infertility among women is smoking, which can also lead to premature birth, in case a pregnant woman uses tobacco during pregnancy. pregnancy”.

When someone smokes, 30 percent of the smoke from the bidi or cigarette goes to the smoker’s lungs and 70 percent stays in the surrounding environment, affecting passive smokers or secondhand smokers, according to the researchers. doctors.

Reference :

  1. Global Youth Tobacco Survey – (
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Source: IANS

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