Woman who assaulted mental health staff trying to help her is jailed

A woman who assaulted mental health professionals trying to help her has been jailed.

Kelly Marie Parry, from Bro Infryn in Glasinfryn, attended Mold Crown Court to be sentenced after five assaults on emergency workers.

She is also charged with causing criminal damage of less than £5,000.

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The prosecutor, Ms. Sarah Badrawy, told the court that on January 4, Parry was taken to the Hergest Unit psychiatric facility in Bangor after a concerned member of the public alerted police that she was threatening to jump out of a bridge.

When officers arrived, Parry told them he “needed help” with his mental health.

She was then said to have “stormed out” of the psychiatric team facility in Ysbyty Gwynedd after the examination, saying she would “throw herself under the next passing vehicle” when told she “had capacity”.

This led to Parry being detained under the Mental Health Act and escorted to the Hergest Unit.

She was placed in a suite, but after the police officers left, staff saw Parry try to remove the toilet assist bars in her room and attempt to block the sink with toilet paper.

It was later discovered that he also used a bridge to block the sink drains.

Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor
(Image: North Wales Live)

When a member of staff went to Parry’s room to stop the flooding, he was punched three times in the arm and once in the back and kicked in the leg.

Parry also threatened to “kill” him that night, the court heard.

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Alone again, Parry began moving couches to block the door and moving CCTV cameras away, the court heard.

Ms Badrawy told the court how earlier that night she punched another male staff member in the leg and threatened to “bite” others. She also kicked a female staff member in her leg and pushed her against a wall.

Days later, on January 7, Parry returned to the A&E department seeking further mental health assistance.

The court heard that he had used a request from the North Wales Police Force to declare his intentions to assault a nurse at the hospital.

A nurse and sister on the ward attempted to conduct an evaluation of Parry, but he refused to answer most of their questions.

Parry announced that she was “done” with mental health services in North Wales and became more aggressive when staff tried to calm her down.

The nurse tried to explain that they were there to help her, but that Parry had “already assaulted half the unit staff”, to which she is said to have replied that she would continue with the other half.

Police were called and Parry was arrested.

It was added in court that Parry previously received a suspended prison sentence for assaulting an emergency worker in November 2021.

General view of Caernarfon Crown Court, Caernarfon Justice Centre.  Photo by Ian Cooper

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In Parry’s defence, Ms Jade Tufail told the court how her client has had a “difficult” life.

He seemed to have a “better outlook” for the future after his most recent conviction. However, her “optimism for her” received a further blow when her baby was removed from her care shortly after giving birth and left her “hopeless”.

Parry had all of her mental health support “taken out from under her” at the start of the pandemic, crediting it as “the thing that first got her on this path to where she is today.”

It was added to her credit that before the pandemic, Parry had a “big” gap in her criminal history and is “determined” to one day be reunited with her baby.

The 27-year-old wept on the sidelines when Judge Timothy Petts decided that eight months in jail was the best option.

He said: “These members of staff, like everyone else in the public sector, are doing everything they can to help those in crisis. It’s not right or fair how they were treated.”

He added: “I have read a great deal about you, Miss Parry, and the psychiatric report indicates that you have an emotionally unstable personality disorder.

“It’s important that that report goes on to say that it doesn’t mean you can’t control your behavior and it doesn’t mean you’re incapable of change.

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“It doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for the actions you take. You know what you’re doing. You’ve been given opportunities to change recently, and for whatever reason, you haven’t taken them.”

“You represent too much of a risk to the public to suspend this sentence.”

The judge then told Parry how he would serve two months behind bars simultaneously for the combined attacks. He activated him for six months for non-compliance with his suspended sentence order. He in total he will fulfill eight months.

No separate punishment was imposed for the offense of criminal damage.

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