Weight Loss Side Effects: What Happens When You Lose Weight Rapidly? 6 Health Risks to Know

Quick weight loss can be tempting, but it can have significant affect on the health. From losing muscles mass to dehydration, rapid weight loss is not a great way to sustain the regime in the longer run.

We live in a world of instant clicks and results. Everything has become so fast-paced, that people have developed a habit of getting instant results. Be it workplace or losing weight. Weight loss is one process that requires patience and endurance. While losing weight quickly might seem tempting. The most common ways that people try to lose weight fast are by exercising a lot, and by following a “crash diet” or a very low-calorie diet of fewer than 800 calories per day.

When lose too much too quickly, it may pose health risks as well. According to Healthline, When you consume fewer calories than your body burns, your body starts dipping into its stores of energy, known as glycogen. The glycogen in your body is bound to water, so when you’re burning glycogen for fuel, the body also releases that water


  1. You lose muscle mass: Weight loss is not similar to fat loss. If you are on a low-calorie diet and are losing weight too fast, there is a possibility that the weight that you are shedding is coming from the muscles.
  2. Slows your metabolism: Due to the loss of muscles and low calorie- diet, the body slows the metabolism after a certain point.
  3. Nutrient deficiency: While consuming fewer calories and burning more is a key to weight loss, being constantly on a low-calorie diet can lead to nutritional deficiency. Lack of enough calories can lead to reduced intake of folate, iron, and vitamin B12. This could further lead to hair loss, extreme fatigue, lower immunity etc.
  4. Hormonal imbalance: When we cut off sugar, and calories suddenly, there is a change in hormone levels that makes us want to crave food more.
  5. May cause gallstones: Gallstones are hardened pieces of material that form inside the gallbladder. They can be a painful side effect of losing weight too fast. Usually, your gallbladder releases digestive juices to break down fatty food so it can be digested. If you’re not eating much food then your gallbladder won’t have to remove the digestive juices. Gallstones can form when substances inside the digestive juices sit for a while and have time to join.
  6. Severe dehydration: Rapid weight loss usually results in lowered levels of water weight. This may lead to severe dehydration of the body.
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Weight loss needs to be a holistic lifestyle change that can be sustained in the longer run as well. Here are some basic weight loss tips to be mindful of:

  • Eat lean protein
  • Cut back on sugar and simple carbohydrates
  • Emphasize healthy fat
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Manage stress levels
  • Incorporate strength and high-intensity training
  • Eat slowly

A healthy weight loss journey is about finding balance and sustainable habits. So, say goodbye to crash diets and hello to sustainable results.

Published Date: August 24, 2023 9:20 AM IST




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