Pune: DeepTek.ai has announced that it has received clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its Chest X-ray AI solution, the CXR Analyser. The technology uses deep learning algorithms to detect abnormalities in chest X-rays. It identifies, categorises, and highlights suspicious areas automatically, aiding clinicians in making precise interpretations.
The Chest X-ray AI solution covers the entire chest area, offering analysis for a broad range of lung, pleural, cardiac pathologies and foreign bodies/hardware on the chest. It’s compatible with various X-ray machines, including hospital-based, mobile, portable, hand-held, and ultra-portable units, making it versatile and powerful.
The AI model accelerates decision-making by detecting and locating suspicious lesions in chest X-rays, which are crucial for diagnosing conditions like lung infections, cancer, and chronic lung diseases. In a world with 3.5 billion annual X-rays, 1.5 billion are chest X-rays, making the need for precise interpretation essential. The shortage of radiologists further emphasises the role of AI in addressing this challenge.
Dr. Amit Kharat, Co-Founder, DeepTek.ai, said, “DeepTek CXR Analyser v1.0 is a game-changer, reducing radiologist workload by an impressive 30–50 percent. With FDA clearance, we’re not only accessing the vast US healthcare market but also impacting lives globally.”