A Fitness Expert Explains When to Use a Theragun to Enhance Your Recovery

So you’ve invested in a Theragun. Well done. The question you are probably asking yourself now is: should you consume before, during or after your workout? All of the above, but with a different effect, says Nick Duncan, operations manager at The Ned gym in London. when heading pains and fatigue, massage guns can be a useful tool when starting a brand new fitness plan. Here’s the cheat sheet for him.

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Before you start

Physically on the mats but mentally still in bed? Percussive therapy increases blood flow and therefore core body temperature, “which is the center point of a warm-up,” says Duncan. ‘Most of our club members use them before training, and they get results. Target all of your major muscle groups, hitting each area for 30 seconds.



If you’ve been here for 20 minutes and it already hurts, “Try using your massage gun between sets,” says Duncan. Percussion therapy relieves the burn, ‘wakes up’ the muscles and activates the nervous system. He recommends hitting the muscles you’re working for 10 to 15 seconds. Now jump into the next revamped set.


when I finish

When are Done sweating and ready for a cool down, Percussion therapy can help you avoid pain, as well as improve your range of motion and flexibility the next day, so you don’t get stuck on the couch. This is when you can take a little more time, Duncan says, “up to two minutes per muscle group.”


Theragun Elite percussive massage gun

  5 simple gym hacks to speed up muscle growth as recommended by a strength coach


Bugzy Malone shares his boxing and training tips

In the latest video in the How I Build My Body series, rapper and actor Bugzy Malone shares the work he does in and out of the ring to get in fighting shape.

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