Alan Ritchson Used This ‘Killer’ Arm Workout to Get Jacked for ‘Reacher’

When Alan Richson was cast as Jack Reacher, the protagonist of Lee Child’s popular series of novels, in the new television show reacher, was already in great shape. But in order to convincingly portray the great action hero, Ritchon packed with muscles for the role, eventually gaining around 30 lbs. While he described that bulking experience as a “full-time job,” he now tends to be more balanced in his approach to fitness.

“I learned a lot in that process about longevity and exercising in a way that prevents injury but achieves growth,” he says in a new train like video. “I think for most of us, the goal has been muscle growth. My goal is really volume. It’s not about punishing ourselves in the gym or taking ourselves to the point of literally destroying our bodies, it’s just about vigorous and consistent activity for a short time. healthy amounts of time.”

To grow those Jack(ed) Reacher arms, Ritchson used high-volume supersets to light up his biceps and triceps, starting with cable tricep pushdowns, supersets with overhead extensions for 15 to 25 reps. Still using the rope but from below this time, Ritchson then performs a hammer curl for 4 sets of 25 reps (or as close to 25 as he can get before failing).

Follow this with dumbbell hammer presses (25) and skull crushers (15 to 25), before lifting an EZ bar to do “21” curls. This is where you do 7 reps from the bottom of the curl to the middle, 7 from the middle to the top of the movement, and then 7 through the full range of motion. Overlap all 21 with EZ bar top extensions.

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“With supersets of cables, dumbbells, barbells, we’re confusing the muscles as much as possible,” explains Ritchson.

While these supersets will definitely set your encores and tris on fire, Ritchson likes to add some bodyweight work as “icing on the cake” in the form of dips, which happen to be his favorite exercise. “If I could only do one thing for the rest of my life, I think it would be jumping,” he says. Then he finishes the workout with cardio.

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