Are you spending too much time in AC? Be careful, otherwise your health may deteriorate

AC Side Effects : The heat has started showing its attitude. There is talk of increasing the humidity even more in the coming days. In such a situation, people adopt different methods to avoid the heat. Some run fan, some run cooler..but nowadays the use of AC has also increased a lot. If you are also spending most of your time in AC to avoid the heat, then you should be careful, because it has many side effects (Side Effects of Air Conditioner). It can make you ill.

AC can make sick

According to a health website, if you are spending more time in AC then there is a risk of increasing ‘sick building syndrome’. Due to this, there can be problems like headache, dry cough, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, lack of concentration in any work. Note that the use of AC should be absolutely reduced in the afternoon and evening.

7 major disadvantages of AC

1. Due to staying in AC for a long time, the moisture of the body gets lost. There is a lack of water in the outer layer of the skin. Due to this the skin starts cracking and becomes dry.

2. Skin elasticity is also affected by excessive use of AC.

3. Running AC for a long time can cause the skin to shrink. Wrinkles and fine lines start appearing. Aging also increases rapidly.

4. The cold air of AC can bring the problem of dehydration in the body.

5. The cold air of AC increases respiratory diseases like cough and cold.

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6. Excessive use of air conditioners increases the risk of allergies and asthma.

7. AC air can cause itching problem on eyes and skin. That’s why one should not stay in AC for long.

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