Arthritis: 5 Measures to Keep Your Weight in Check For Joint Pain And Swelling

Weight loss for arthritis: Many people have trouble managing arthritis. Although people with arthritis have a hard time losing weight, doing so can help you control your arthritis.

Arthritis: 5 measures to control weight in case of pain and inflammation of the joints

Weight loss for arthritis: Living with arthritis can be challenging due to ongoing joint inflammation and pain that can negatively affect quality of life. Maintaining a healthy weight and maintaining an active lifestyle can help decrease the disease, even if the disorder cannot be reversed. Like any other autoimmune condition, arthritis occurs when your immune system begins to attack the healthy components of your own body. The bone and cartilage that make up the joint begin to deteriorate as the disease progresses, inflaming the synovium in the process.


Losing weight is one of the most important things your doctor can advise you to do, as it can be very beneficial in managing arthritis. Research has shown that obesity and arthritis don’t mix well and has established that being overweight can wreak havoc on joint health. However, since RA patients have body aches, swelling, and fatigue, shedding pounds often becomes difficult for arthritis sufferers. Reducing the stress on your joints by losing weight will improve your mobility, decrease pain, and prevent further damage to your joints. Dr Chethana D, Consultant – Rheumatology, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore, shares weight loss techniques for arthritis patients.


  1. Avoid Crash Diets: People should avoid having unrealistic expectations of their bodies and should not fall for internet fads like crash diets that often do their bodies more harm than good. Short-term approaches may help with weight loss, but the results will be short-lived and can weaken metabolic rate, affect the immune system, alter bowel habits, and lower energy levels, which can ultimately cause more inflammation. .
  2. Intermittent fasting: Develop an eating pattern and create a cycle between periods of eating and fasting. A balanced cycle can be where you fast for 16 hours and then eat for 8 hours. During these fasting windows, your body will have plenty of time to rest, which will reduce inflammation.
  3. Autoimmune Diet Protocol: It is a very restrictive diet that includes mainly meat and vegetables that improve gut health, create adequate nutrient density, determine food sensitivities, and regulate blood sugar and the immune system to reduce inflammation and balance hormones.
  4. Adequate water and nutritious food: Patients suffering from arthritis need to be vigilant while eating and should watch their body signals and eat only when they are hungry. Such patients should also strictly control their portions as it can prevent them from emotional eating. Also, arthritis patients should consume at least 4 to 5 liters of water to lose weight, increase energy and postpone muscle fatigue.
  5. Reduce sodium intake: For the average adult, only 2,300 mg per day of salt or about a teaspoon of ordinary iodized table salt is recommended. If the consumption is more, you will feel bloated and gain weight. Sodium intake should be limited to 1,500 mg per day to prevent weight gain.
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Taking additional measures, such as getting enough sleep, eating foods rich in B vitamins, D, Omega 3 acids and magnesium, and giving the body more glutamine, can help with cramps and ensure healthy muscle function.

(With IANS entries)

Release Date: Dec 31, 2022 12:16pm IST

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