Ayurveda Tips For Food Storage:Till now you were storing food incorrectly!

Food Storage Tips: We do not care at all about how to store the leftover food. Simply fill these leftovers in any plastic or box and keep them in the fridge. Let us tell you that not only does this make a difference in the nutrition and taste of food, but it also has a bad effect on your health. Yes, today we are giving you some such tips according to Ayurveda, with the help of which you can know which type of food you should store in which vessel so that it does not have any wrong effect on your health. Let us know how to store leftover food (Ayurveda Tips For Food Storage).

How to store juice and syrup
Do not store things like juices and syrups like this in any vessel. This can harm health. For this, you should use silver utensils only.

how to store ghee
Ghee is mostly used in Indian kitchen. If you make ghee at home, then it is very good, but if you are using it by keeping it in a plastic box, then it is harmful for health. Yes, keep ghee either in an iron vessel or in a glass jar.

Store sour things like this
Store sour things especially in stone utensils. Either you can also use porcelain utensils. So that there is no reaction in the body due to this and the food is also not spoiled. Sour things like pickles are kept in Bojam especially because of this.

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