Be careful who eat kidney beans, this negligence of yours can cause great harm to health

Rajma Cooking Tips: People like to eat Rajma Chawal in most of the homes of India. People make and eat it with great fervor. But do you know that kidney beans prepared and eaten with great taste can also harm your health! Yes, this is absolutely true, but when you have not cooked Rajma properly. Let us tell you that your slight negligence in cooking Rajma can cause great harm to your health. Let us know what is this carelessness and in which way you can cook Rajma so that it does not harm your health.

the amount of toxin is high
If you do not cook Rajma undercooked or properly, then it can lead to many types of stomach diseases. Because the amount of toxin is found in kidney beans and in comparison to beans. Therefore, a handful of undercooked kidney beans is enough to spoil your health. It may also cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting.

When can these problems come?
If you have cooked kidney beans at a temperature below 83 degree celcius, then you may have gas problem.

Soaking rajma overnight and boiling it for 3 minutes before cooking it becomes harmful because it does not kill the toxin. In this case, there may be a stomach problem.

Undercooked kidney beans salads and sandwiches can harm health.

Cook Rajma like this
To cook the rajma properly, you have to soak it overnight. After this, the next day, clean it thoroughly and boil it continuously for 10 minutes, only then it is ready to eat, due to which there will be no harm to health and it will also be healthy.

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