DR MAX PEMBERTON: Legacy of lockdown? An acute mental health crisis 

DR MAX PEMBERTON: Legacy of lockdown? An acute mental health crisis 

Two years ago this Wednesday, the first isolation started. In a way, it feels like a lifetime ago. But we are just beginning to see the long-term effects of the decision to plunge us all into isolation, specifically the impact it had on our minds. Figures released last week show that National Health Service mental … Read more

An Olympian Challenged CrossFit Champ Justin Medeiros to an Open Workout

An Olympian Challenged CrossFit Champ Justin Medeiros to an Open Workout

Since retiring as a professional runner, former Olympian Nick Symmonds has undergone a bodily transformation, pivoting to weight training and accumulating more than 20 pounds of lean muscle While participating in a series of force and fitness challenges on his YouTube channel. In his latest video, he reveals his ambition for 2022: to rank in … Read more

Vitamin B12 deficiency: The ‘sore’ changes to your tongue and mouth that may be a warning

Vitamin B12 deficiency: The ‘sore’ changes to your tongue and mouth that may be a warning

B12 vitamin It is an essential nutrient that can be obtained from your diet. However, people can develop a B12 deficiency for a number of reasons. There are several common symptoms associated with a deficiency, but some of them can be quite painful. When you are deficient in vitamin B12, you can develop what is … Read more

7,524 jail inmates faced mental health issues: Govt’s 2020 data | India News – Times of India

7,524 jail inmates faced mental health issues: Govt’s 2020 data | India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Behind the prison walls of India, mental health problems affect a considerable number of inmates. According to the last ‘Prison Statistics India‘ reportup to 7,524 prisoners were reported to be suffering from mental illness in 2020. Of the 1,887 inmates who died in prisons that year, 189 (10%) were victims of unnatural causes, … Read more

Superfit gran, 67, with arthritis, says youngsters ‘moan’ too much about the gym

Superfit gran, 67, with arthritis, says youngsters ‘moan’ too much about the gym

Gym junkie Sharon Garner is proving she’s a true super-grandmother at 67, despite suffering from arthritis, bossing it around like a gym bunny, and says young people “complain” too much about having to work out. She claims that “anyone” can go to the gym despite what they say because she can do it despite her … Read more

‘Food’ and ‘mood’ go together. What you eat impacts your mental health

‘Food’ and ‘mood’ go together. What you eat impacts your mental health

meEating is an essential part of human life and it turns out that not only what we eat, but also when we eat, can affect our brain. Irregular eating times have been shown to contribute to poor mental health, including depression and anxiety, as well as cardio-metabolic diseases and weight gain. Fortunately, it is possible … Read more

“It’s not in our nature to just talk about it” – The Rock points out mental health issues he struggled with

“It’s not in our nature to just talk about it” – The Rock points out mental health issues he struggled with

The rock He has recently shed light on the mental health issues he faced as a young man. Mental health problems affect a person’s well-being no matter how big their personality is. The Brahma Bull is one of the most celebrated superstars to ever step into the ring. Looking at the former world champion from … Read more

How is exercise related to good sexual health?

How is exercise related to good sexual health?

Exercise is known to be essential for general health. A new study claims that this also includes sexual health. He notes that men with a higher waist circumference or higher BMI are 50 percent more likely to erectile dysfunction. The results were published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. In another study published in 2021 … Read more