Blood in stools: Heavy weight-lifting, cycling and overdoing high-fibre diets may inflame piles

In addition to the set of younger patients and their diet and physical lifestyle that contribute to bleeding hemorrhoids, it is well known that unhealthy habits increase the risk as well.

These would include smoking and chronic constipation related to not getting enough physical activity, insufficient fiber and obesity, Dr. Look said.

When hemorrhoids begin to cause worrying symptoms, such as swelling, inflaming, or bleeding (called hemorrhoidal disease), they can seriously affect quality of life, and treatment is often required.

Increased pressure on the rectal vein can also occur during pregnancy, which is why pregnant women can develop this uncomfortable condition.

Dr Look said: “Older women with multiple pregnancies are at higher risk.”


Dr. Look, who sees 500 to 600 hemorrhoid patients each year, said mild cases can be managed with better grooming habits and dietary changes.

However, hemorrhoids can be serious if the bleeding is massive, frequent and prolonged.

Recalling a case he saw recently, Dr. Look said that a 28-year-old patient had been bleeding from hemorrhoids for so long that she developed severe anemia and iron deficiency.

“He even experienced shortness of breath when walking. When she was admitted to the hospital, she was literally as pale as a sheet and she needed urgent blood transfusions”.

The patient had her hemorrhoids removed when her condition was more stable and has since recovered.

Dr. Look said hemorrhoids can also develop into an emergency condition called thrombosis, when a blood clot forms inside them.

This leads to swollen, gangrenous hemorrhoids that can no longer be pushed into the anal canal.

  Symptoms of piles and best hospital for its treatment. - GoMedia


Doctors said the most common symptom of heaps It’s rectal bleeding. Bleeding from hemorrhoids usually occurs during bowel movements and the blood is fresh and bright red.

Others may experience swelling and downward prolapse of the hemorrhoid during a bowel movement, causing discomfort and pain.

“(bleeding piles)Cit can be in small amounts coating stool, or staining toilet paper when wiping. It can also be in large amounts, even dramatically spurting into the toilet bowl or dripping down your legs,” said Dr. Look.


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