Can Amla Control Bad Cholesterol? Know what the research says

Bad Cholesterol : On hearing the name of cholesterol, we remember many heart diseases, but cholesterol is definitely there for a healthy body. Now you must be thinking that cholesterol affects the heart, but it is not so. Actually, there are 2 types of cholesterol in our body, first is good cholesterol and second is bad cholesterol. Both these cholesterol affect our body in different ways. Where good cholesterol is effective in keeping our body healthy. At the same time, increasing bad cholesterol in the body increases the chances of getting many diseases. In such a situation, it is very important to control bad cholesterol. To control bad cholesterol, it is recommended to consume a variety of foods. Amla is also included in these foods. Amla can control the bad cholesterol of the body. At the same time, good cholesterol can be increased. Let’s know about it-

Can Amla Control Bad Cholesterol?

According to research, amla can prove beneficial in controlling the problem of high cholesterol in the body. If you consume amla regularly then it can help you in increasing the level of good cholesterol by reducing LDL.

How to eat amla to control cholesterol?

Amla can be consumed in many ways to control cholesterol. like-

  • Amla and honey – Mixing Amla’s powder with honey can control cholesterol by eating it.
  • You can control cholesterol by mixing amla powder with warm water.
  • Cholesterol control is done by eating raw amla on an empty stomach regularly. Also, it can reduce the increasing body fat.

Other benefits of Amla

  • Cholesterol can not only be controlled by eating amla, but it also reduces obesity.
  • Amla can be very healthy for hair. Along with increasing the strength of the hair, it also improves hair growth.
  • Amla rich in Vitamin C boosts your immunity. This keeps many common diseases away.
  • Amla is considered very healthy for the eyes. It helps you to improve your eyesight.

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