Can drinking alcohol cause liver damage? Recognize these symptoms and get treatment immediately

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Symptoms: Fatty liver is a problem in which too much fat starts accumulating around the liver cells. The liver of a person suffering from this disease does not work properly. Almost 1 out of every 3 people are suffering from the problem of fatty liver. Due to fatty liver, there can be many other problems in the body like high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid etc. There are two types of fatty liver, non-alcoholic and alcoholic. Alcoholic fatty liver problems can be caused by drinking too much alcohol. Let us know what are the symptoms and prevention measures of alcoholic fatty liver?

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms of alcoholic fatty liver and its timely treatment is essential, so that timely treatment can be done. Let us know about these symptoms-

  • yellowing of the skin of the eyes
  • rapid body weight gain
  • loss of appetite
  • falling ill repeatedly
  • Complaints of swelling in the abdomen and ankles.
  • Vomiting of blood.
  • blood in stool
  • problems with dementia
  • Abdominal pain, etc.

Prevention Tips for Alcoholic Fatty Liver Prevention Tips for Alcoholic Fatty Liver

1 out of every 3 people is suffering from the problem of fatty liver. The problem of fatty liver can be due to the accumulation of fat in the liver. This problem is when the weight of the liver becomes very high from 5 to 10 percent of the body weight.

To avoid this problem, consume alcohol to a minimum. Because this problem is caused by drinking alcohol. Therefore, it is advised by many health experts to drink at least alcohol to avoid alcoholic fatty liver.

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