Which Is The Superior Supplement: Fish Oil Or Omega-3?

Which Is The Superior Supplement: Fish Oil Or Omega-3?

Fish oil is the concentrated and purified oil from, you guessed it, the tissue of oily fish. There are a variety of ways this fat can be delivered based on how the fish oil is processed. (By “shape,” we mean the type or chemical structure of omega-3 fats.) The main forms are triglycerides, ethyl ester, … Read more

Charlie Lee stresses need to reach out in bid to improve mental health issues

Charlie Lee stresses need to reach out in bid to improve mental health issues

Former Billericay Town midfielder Charlie Lee experienced many ups and downs during his long career. But Lee’s hardest moment came during his time in Yeovil Town. In March 2021, Lee’s Glovers captain Lee Collins tragically committed suicide. And his death hit Lee and his Yeovil teammates extremely hard. “It was a surreal moment in my … Read more

Dualbell system lets dumbbells double as barbell weights

Dualbell system lets dumbbells double as barbell weights

If someone is serious about lifting weights, they will typically purchase one or more sets of dumbbells, a barbell, and several weight plates. for The bar The new Dualbell system, however, allows existing dumbbells to take the place of the discs, saving space and money. Currently on Kickstarter, the product was invented by New York-based … Read more

6 Healthy Pantry Staples Nutritionists Love For Weeknight Meals

6 Healthy Pantry Staples Nutritionists Love For Weeknight Meals

Have well stocked pantry It can help you make healthier choices during the week, especially when it’s time for dinner and you don’t have a plan in place yet. Pantry staples can be used to complement fresh fruits and vegetables you already have on hand, or serve as an alternative to frozen pizza and instant … Read more

TikTok leads people to self-diagnosing mental health conditions

TikTok leads people to self-diagnosing mental health conditions

AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. (WHSV) – The social media platform TikTok is known for its short, usually comedic videos. Now, mental health professionals say they are seeing TikTok users, especially teens and young adults, self-diagnosing in videos about mental health disorders like anxiety or ADHD. Dr. Robin Hawks, Professor of Psychology and Human Services at Blue … Read more

Doctor unveils cereal you shouldn’t eat if you want to lose weight ‘Not good for you’

Doctor unveils cereal you shouldn’t eat if you want to lose weight ‘Not good for you’

This morning I was looking at the low carb and no carb diets today. Presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were joined by Dr. Zoe Williams, who discussed the amount of carbohydrates that can be found in common foods, one of which is the popular breakfast cereal corn flakes. So for anyone looking to lose … Read more

Latina Therapists Weigh In on Selena Gomez’s Decision to Take Social Media Breaks

Latina Therapists Weigh In on Selena Gomez’s Decision to Take Social Media Breaks

In recent years, Selena Gomez she has become very transparent about her mental health issues. In 2018, opened up about suffering from depression and anxiety and how going to rehab to seek treatment left her feeling empowered. In 2019, she shared how her mental health journey led her to one of the scariest times of … Read more