Change is happening in the weather, you should also change your diet

Diet Plan For September: The month of September has started and the weather is not as hot as before. Although the heat is still there but the intensity has reduced. Also, now the light is getting late in the morning while the evening is starting to set in early. These changes can be clearly noticed. Looking at these, now you should make some changes in your diet and daily routine as well. So that you stay away from getting sick and your body can be ready to welcome winter.

Start with these foods

There is a time of heavy rains till August and during this time you are forbidden to eat vegetables like brinjal, spinach, green onions. This prohibition is done to protect against the dirt coming with the rain water and the pests of these vegetables. Now in September, you should include all these things in your daily diet.

Spinach is cold in effect, so eat its greens and vegetables in lunch only, avoid eating it at night. Because now the weather is changing and if there is any pain in your body, then it can increase by eating food like spinach and curry at night.

taste the sweet potato

Sweet potato means sweet potato has started coming in the market. Start consuming it. By consuming it two to three times a week, the body gets enough nutrients and the body is ready to welcome the winter. Those who feel cold a lot, they should definitely consume sweet potato. Because it contains a good amount of potassium, magnesium and iron, which gives the body the strength to fight cold.

  Feed your microbes to deal with stress: a psychobiotic diet impacts microbial stability and perceived stress in a healthy adult population - Molecular Psychiatry

start eating pickles
Chura is a dry fruit, which you also know by the name of dry dates. Now the time has come, when you can eat 4 to 6 chickpeas every day with a glass of milk in the morning for breakfast. Keep them soaked in water before sleeping at night and then after taking out their water in the morning, wash them thoroughly and eat them again. Start consuming them with milk from now on. By the time winter comes, your body will be ready to fight against viruses that spread seasonal diseases, cold, flu, fever.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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