‘child Work, Maltreatment Affect Mental Health’ | Varanasi News – Times of India

Varanasi: A study by an international team of researchers shows that child labor is associated with a wide range of adverse childhood experiences, including abuse, neglect and direct/indirect victimization. The study on adolescents with a history of child labor was led by a professor of Benaras Hindu UniversityProfessor Rakesh Pandey in north indian.
“It is the first study of its kind to affirm the prevalence and types of child maltreatment examining its association with current mental health problems in Indian adolescents with a history of child labour. The study finding was published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (ANZJP),” Professor Pandey said, adding that child abuse is a major problem of global concern. Previous research in high-income developed countries has shown that abused children grow up to be adults with poor physical and mental health. Pandey adds, however, that there is very little published data available on the problems in lower-middle-income Asian countries, especially in people with a history of child labour.
He adds that the international team of researchers including those from Benaras Hindu University, King’s College London and Brunel University, has made an attempt to fill this gap. The study revealed an extremely high risk of extrafamilial physical and emotional abuse and victimization in these adolescents, and symptoms of a variety of psychiatric disorders were also reported. It also includes phobias, dysthymia, depression, generalized anxiety, panic attack, post-traumatic stress disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and substance abuse. “This is important as it has been found that, for the first time in the Indian context, emotional abuse has had the broadest impact of all types of maltreatment on mental health and appears to be a transdiagnostic risk factor for several psychiatric disorders. . disorders,” said Prof. Pandey. He further adds that the new study focused specifically on the mental health of working children in northern India. In addition, India has a huge population of working children (11.72 million according to the latest census in 2011), who could be at very high risk of abuse and victimization.
Professor Pandey It further adds: “Our observation of the most damaging effects of emotional abuse on children’s mental health calls for action to develop easy-to-administer and widely accessible interventions to heal the emotional wounds of working children.” Researchers are currently conducting further research to identify the mechanisms through which emotional abuse might confer risk for psychiatric disorders. Their results could lead to effective interventions to address the negative impact of childhood maltreatment on mental health, she said.

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