Cholesterol: Cholesterol increase is a danger bell, in this way you can protect

Cholesterol Control : The fat produced by the liver in the body is called cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for various functions of the body. But if the amount of bad cholesterol in the body increases too much, then it can cause many serious problems like heart disease, cholesterol, blood sugar, heart attack. Therefore, controlling cholesterol in the body is very important. Let us know what are the ways to control cholesterol?

Avoid red meat

Red meat is considered a very good source of protein, minerals and vitamins. Its consumption can bring many benefits to the body. However, red meat is not beneficial for patients suffering from cholesterol. Due to this, the level of cholesterol in the body increases.

sweet things

Including too much sugar in the food not only increases the level of cholesterol, but it also increases the level of cholesterol. Therefore, if you want to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body, then eat sweet things.

fiber is essential

Include fiber rich diet to reduce the level of bad cholesterol. A diet rich in fiber can control cholesterol as well as reduce weight.

Beans and Pulses

To control cholesterol, include beans, seeds and nuts in the diet. Apart from this, cholesterol patients should consume flaxseed. It is very healthy for them.

Patients suffering from cholesterol are also advised to avoid eating more oily and spicy food. Because such a diet can increase the level of cholesterol.

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