Commentary: Cut carbs when you’re on a sugar detox but keep fruit on your diet

Beta cells have low levels of antioxidants and are susceptible to attack by dietary and metabolic oxidized free radicals and AGEs. The antioxidants in the fruit can protect beta cells.

Researchers have found that eating whole fruit lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, with those who eat the most fruit having the lowest risk.


People interested in losing weight and improving their health often ask if they should do a “sugar detox.” In my opinion this is a waste of time, because it is not possible to eliminate sugar from the body.

For example, if you ate only baked chicken breasts, your liver would convert protein to glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis.

Low-carb diets can lead to weight loss, but at the expense of health. Diets that significantly reduce carbohydrates are associated with nutrient deficiencies and an increased risk of death from any cause.

On low-carb ketogenic diets, the body will break down muscle and convert its protein into glucose. Lack of fiber causes constipation.

Eliminating foods sweetened with refined sugar is a worthy goal. But don’t think of it as a “detox,” it should be a permanent lifestyle change. The safest way to “detox” from refined sugar is to increase your intake of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables.

Once you cut out refined sugar, you’ll likely find that your taste buds become more sensitive and appreciative of the natural sweetness of fruits.

Jennifer Rooke is a Assistant Professor of Community Health and Preventive Medicine at the Morehouse School of Medicine. this comment first appeared in The Conversation.


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