Corona has made the condition of the lungs miserable, now it is breathless to exercise

Corona Virus: Corona wreaked havoc in the country. People in every house got caught by this virus. The Delta variant killed thousands of people. Even today people are in awe of corona virus. Another form of corona is coming to the fore. His name is Long Kovid. Recently a study related to this has become public. It has been told that those who became victims of long Kovid-19 had a seriously negative impact on their lungs. The doctor has also advised the people of Kovid-19 to be careful and give regular doctor’s treatment.

shortness of breath while exercising

According to media reports, the Kovid effect was seen on people through cardiopulmonary exercise. Cardiopulmonary exercise was tested by cycling or running on a treadmill. It was seen how Long Kovid is troubling people. Two groups were formed for the study. These included one group that had been affected by Long Kovid, while the other group was that which had completely recovered from Kovid. People suffering from Long Kovid were not able to exercise at all. His breath became bad, while the people of the other group did not face any problem in exercising.

got sleep disorder

It has already come to the fore in the investigation of doctors that those who have come under the grip of Kovid in the last 3 years. Out of them, 50 percent mental patients have been found. The problem of depression and anxiety was seen more in them. 26% have been found who are unable to sleep properly. He has got sleep disorder. Anger has increased in some people. If seen in adults and older people, this problem was seen more in those above 60 years of age. Of these, 50% are complaining of having anxiety. Doctors say that people have suffered due to Long Kovid.

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These symptoms are also visible

Other symptoms are being seen in people in patients. They have runny nose, headache, sneezing, persistent cough, shortness of breath and sometimes fever. Fatigue was seen more in people during and after COVID. Different symptoms are appearing at different times. Symptoms like chest pain, sleep problems, loss of memory are also appearing.

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Disclaimer: The methods and methods mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions. Before following any treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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