Dengue Fever Diet: What To Eat In Dengue? Learn right advice from dietician

Dengue Fever Diet: In the changing season, there is a risk of getting many types of diseases. In the month of September-October, the risk of dengue and malaria is very high. These days the cases of dengue are increasing continuously. Dengue is spread by the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. In dengue fever, the platelet count in the patient’s body is greatly reduced. Along with this, patients continue to complain of high fever, skin rash, muscle pain, headache, joint pain. In severe cases, there is a risk of death of the patient. Therefore, patients suffering from dengue need to pay special attention to themselves.

If you are affected by dengue, then pay special attention to your food and drink. During this, patients need to pay special attention to their diet. let this Know what to eat in dengue from Dietician Kamini Kumari of Diet Mantra Clinic, Noida.

What to eat in dengue fever?

Dietician says that patients in dengue should consume such a diet, which can increase the platelet count in the blood. For this, you can include the following things in your diet. like-

drink papaya leaf juice

Papaya leaf juice can be quite healthy for patients suffering from dengue fever. Enzymes like chymopain and papain are found in this juice, which can help you increase the platelet count in the blood. If you have dengue fever, include papaya leaf juice regularly in your diet.


Turmeric can be very beneficial for dengue patients. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which can help you in boosting immunity. If you have dengue fever, then drink 1 glass of turmeric milk before sleeping at night.

  These fruits and vegetables increase oxygen in the body, include them in the diet

coconut water

In dengue fever, drink 1 orange water daily in the morning and evening. Antioxidants, vitamin C, amino-acids, enzymes, are found in coconut water, so they prove effective in keeping your body hydrated. If you are feeling physically weak in dengue fever, then include coconut water in your diet.

Include citrus fruits in the diet

Patients suffering from dengue fever should include citrus fruits in their diet. Citrus fruits are very healthy for health. This boosts immunity. In dengue fever, you should include fruits like kiwi, seasonal, orange.

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