Desi ghee will cure the problem of snoring, there is a panacea in Ayurveda

Snoring Ayurvedic Remedies: Snoring is such a problem, due to which people living with you have trouble and you are embarrassed. But sometimes this problem can go beyond this and become serious for you. Snoring is also sometimes a sign of serious diseases. According to health experts, snoring occurs due to any kind of disorder inside the nose. But the head, mouth, teeth, ears and eyes are also associated with the nose. Which means that the problem of snoring can be related not only to the nose but also to these organs. You can stop snoring by lifestyle changes, avoiding alcohol. Snoring Ayurvedic Remedies have been mentioned in Ayurveda to cure snoring. Let’s know..

Cow ghee will remove snoring

According to Ayurveda, ‘Nasa Hi Shirso Dwaram’ means nose is the entrance to the brain. It not only helps in head, mouth, teeth, ears, nose, eyes but also in all types of disorders related to overall health. If someone snores, then the use of cow’s ghee can be a panacea. Putting two drops of it in the nostrils in the morning and evening gives good sleep. Relieves headache, strengthens immunity, reduces allergy problems, strengthens memory, improves mental health and cures snoring.

How to use desi ghee to stop snoring

It has been told in Ayurveda that two drops of cow’s ghee should be put in the nose before sleeping. By doing this for 21 days to 3 months, sleep is good, headache is reduced and the mind is relieved. Due to which the problem of snoring ends.

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This oil is effective instead of cow’s ghee

It has also been told in Ayurveda that if someone who has the problem of snoring does not want to use cow’s ghee, then instead of it, using molecular oil is very effective. It is an Ayurvedic oil, which is used in Nasya therapy.

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