Diabetes Myths Broken: Dispelling 5 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day

Widely considered to be a disease that robs the life of a patient of fun and joy, some myths about diabetes will shock you.

Busting Diabetes Myths: Debunking 5 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes alone is responsible for 2 percent of all deaths in India. Diabetes is a chronic health condition in which blood sugar levels become high. By not keeping it under control, there can be a risk of serious health conditions that can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease and heart disease. Widely considered to be a disease that robs the patient of joy and happiness from life, many myths surround diabetes. Some of these are just false beliefs while others are downright dangerous beliefs. By Sujata Sharma, Senior Dietitian and Nutritionist, Beto clears the cloud and busts some of the myths about diabetes! Read ahead!

7 Shocking Diabetes Myths You Should Know:

1. Diabetes gets worse with time: This is one of the most dangerous beliefs, especially for the mental and physical health of diabetic patients. Diabetes progresses and it only gets worse if you follow old ways to manage it on a daily basis. Consult a diabetes educator and plan your personalized diabetes management regime to live a happy life with diabetes.

2. Only overweight people get diabetes: Thin People Don’t Although obesity, along with a person’s genetics, is a major contributor to type 2 diabetes, it is not the only cause. Age is definitely a concern as people 45 and older are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, especially if they lead a sedentary lifestyle. So if you are above 45 years of age it is advisable to test your blood sugar frequently. A family history of diabetes is the biggest risk factor for this condition, but this too can be managed by following a healthy and active lifestyle.

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3. Eating too much sugar causes diabetes: Excessive sugar consumption can certainly trigger diabetes in people with pre-diabetes or other predispositions. An overdose of sugar causes weight gain which in turn can increase the risk of diabetes, but eating sugar is not a direct cause of diabetes.

4. People with diabetes should follow a special restricted diet: Healthy eating suggestions are given to diabetics to help them eat the right amount of calories and carbohydrates so that their glucose levels don’t spike. But a diet for diabetes is no different from a healthy diet prescribed for any non-diabetic.

A variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy products, and moderate amounts of healthy fats such as canola oil and olive oil make up a healthy diet for diabetics. They can also enjoy sweets by consulting an expert.

5. Diabetes leads to blindness, amputation, kidney dysfunction

When blood sugar levels are well controlled along with following a healthy diet and lifestyle, persistent diabetes-related complications can also be well managed. Only poorly controlled sugar levels result in serious complications such as diabetes, retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. You can get yourself checked and reduce the risks of retinopathy and neuropathy

6. Managing my diabetes is my doctor’s job

Diabetes demands ownership of the condition from the patient. Friends, loved ones and your doctor will all go out of their way to support you. But the ultimate responsibility rests with the individual to take full responsibility for their condition and live a healthy, happy life with diabetes. Diet, exercise and stress management are integral aspects of diabetes management, in fact, even more important than medication.

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7. Diabetes will project visible symptoms

Spikes in blood sugar levels rarely show visible symptoms, especially in the case of mild excesses. However, more visible symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, excessive thirst, weight loss, sores that do not heal, and frequent urination.

Living with diabetes is not a burden if one simply manages their daily diet, lifestyle and exercise regime. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels using a compact smartphone glucometer is helpful in managing diabetes from the comfort of your home or office.

Published Date: November 14, 2022 2:48 PM IST

Updated Date: November 14, 2022 2:51 PM IST


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