Digestion will improve and constipation will go away, do these measures after eating

Avoid indigestion and bloating: After eating food, there is discomfort in the stomach, bloating, gas or heaviness, then all these symptoms are a sign that your digestion is not being done properly. Used to be. The digestive system is working at a slow pace and it needs your extra support in a weak condition. Here we are telling you some such home and herbal remedies, through which you can get rid of all these problems as well as constipation problem by supporting the digestive system.

1. Eat Celery
After having a meal, chew one-fourth teaspoon of carom seeds with lukewarm water and take a walk with light steps for 10 to 15 minutes. You will burp, the gas will pass and the stomach will start feeling very light.

2. Consume fennel and sugar candy
Consumption of fennel and sugar candy for digestion after meals is an age-old food tradition of our country. But you should not consume coated fennel but plain fennel. So that excess sugar does not go into the body. Fennel and sugar candy accelerates digestion and after 10 to 15 minutes of slow walk, your stomach starts feeling very light.

3. Apply Vajrasana
Sitting in Vajrasana for 10 to 15 minutes after having a meal is a surefire solution to your problem. You may find it difficult to sit in this position in the beginning but you will get used to it in a few days. By sitting in this posture, gas and belching comes and the stomach becomes light. And it also helps in clearing the stomach in the morning.

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4. Walk Slow
The most beneficial and natural way to keep digestion right and clean the stomach properly in the morning is that you walk at a slow pace for at least 30 to 40 minutes after having a meal. By doing this, the digestive system becomes strong, physical energy increases and there is no problem of bloating.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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