Do left-handed people suffer more from anxiety and depression, do you know the truth?

Mental health of left-handed people: Did you know that left-handed people are more prone to anxiety and depression? In reality, only 10% of people in the world work with their left hand. These people have many qualities but they also have to face many problems.

Their brain is built in such a way that it can affect their thinking and creativity. Due to this, they face many challenges in their daily routine. These people are also exposed to certain diseases. Know why this happens…

why are some people left-handed

Until now, no study has been able to explain why some people work with their left hand. However, scientists estimate that genes contribute 25%. If a family member is left-handed, they are more likely to work with their left hand. Apart from this, it can also occur due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. The habit of being left-handed can also develop during childhood growth.

Can you change your habit of working with your left hand?

Experts say left-handers can improve their habit of working with their left hand, but it’s not easy. Since their habits are due to the structure and growth of the brain, it can be difficult to change them. You can take some steps to give up the habit of working with your left hand, such as practicing working with your right hand as much as possible, seek help from a doctor.

Are left-handed people less healthy?

According to doctors, left-handed people may have more health problems than others. The mental and physical structure of these people is different, which is why they may suffer from anxiety or other mental health problems that are slightly different.

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However, this cannot be clearly understood yet, but it has been observed that left-handers may suffer from anxiety-depression or nervousness, the reasons may also be genetic, social and environmental. It has often been found that left-handed people are at greater risk of accidents.

What problems can arise from being left-handed?

1. Pressure can be created using the right hand.

2. In many places, different items are designed only for right-handed people.

3. Mental pressure can lead to social isolation, which can damage confidence.

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