Do these home remedies in case of ligament injury, eating and applying these things will give relief

Heal Ligaments Faster: Knees are important in our standing, walking and sitting. The knee rests on ligaments. Due to the ligament, you are able to do all the work with the feet, but sometimes the ligament gets injured, due to which there is severe pain and difficulty in walking. Most players have ligament injuries. If you have got a minor injury, then you can fix it at home too. There are many home remedies and exercises that can be used to heal ligament injuries. If there is a serious injury then definitely see a doctor. Ligaments can get damaged due to negligence.

1- Irrigate with ice- After a ligament injury, there is swelling and pain in the affected area. For this you apply ice. By applying ice for 15 minutes daily for 2-3 days, you will get relief from both pain and swelling.
2- Tie a bandage on the knees- You should not move around much after the injury. With more movement, the pressure will increase and the problem of pain and swelling can become serious. For this, get enough rest and tie an elastic bandage and bandage on the knee. This will reduce the movement of the knee and will also provide relief in pain.
3- Use ginger- Use ginger after you have a ligament injury. Ginger has many properties that reduce pain and inflammation. For this, in 1 liter of water, take half a teaspoon of green tea, half a lemon, honey and a little ginger. Now boil it and drink this water twice a day for a few days.
4- Apply castor oil- Castor oil must be used after ligament injury. It provides relief in both pain and swelling. Take some oil and massage the knee with light hands. After this tie a cloth. You can also teach if you want. Doing this for 3-4 days will give you a lot of relief.
5- Exercise- After a ligament injury, you must do light exercise. Exercise improves blood circulation in the body. This relaxes the muscles as well as the ligaments. Exercising also reduces pain.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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