Do you also get body pain in winter? Adopt these habits, you will get relief

Winter Body Pain: From heart problems to mental health, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity in winters can lead to many problems. It may not happen to you at all, but slowly due to this habit, you may face many problems. Physical activity is very important to keep the body fit. In cold weather, most people do not come out of their blankets and spend maximum time inside the house. This habit may give you some relief from cold, but it is harmful for health.

Often you must have seen that many people complain of body ache, body pain in winter. This is because, due to not being physically active or not exercising, the muscles become weak, as a result of which chronic pain syndrome starts to occur. This can be due to inflammation or bad nerves. One should walk for 5 minutes in every 2 hours to avoid body pain caused due to sedentary lifestyle in winters. If you are always sitting because of work or your work is like this, then you can walk for a few minutes while talking on the phone call.

If even this is not possible, then you can stretch different parts of the body to stay physically fit. This will keep the muscles active and blood circulation in the body will also be good. Dr. Aniket Mule, Consultant Internal Medicine Doctor at Wockhardt Hospitals, has given some tips to relieve body pain in winter. Keeping these things in mind, you too can get relief from body pain.

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do not gain weight

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Due to lack of physical activity, weight increases in winter. That’s why it is important that you maintain the weight. If the weight increases even a little, then it will increase the pressure on the knees and joints, due to which you will start getting joint pain. Take special care of your diet in winter so that weight is maintained and there is no risk of joint pain.

use hot water bag

The problem of joint and muscle pain is common in winter. In such a situation, to avoid this, you can use an electric heating pad or a bag of hot water to train the body. Bathing in hot water also provides relief from joint pain. Because it improves blood circulation.

keep the body hydrated

As soon as winter comes, people reduce drinking water. In winter, people do not want that after drinking water they have to go to the bathroom again and again. But, doing so is harmful for the body. Dry air in winter causes dehydration, fatigue and pain. That’s why it is important that you consume sufficient amount of water throughout the day. Even drinking hot tea, soup can also bring relief to the body. If you do physical activity then definitely drink at least 9 to 10 glasses of water.

eat well

Like summer, take special care of your diet in winter as well. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses in your diet. This will strengthen the immunity system and keep you away from various allergies, infections and diseases. Avoid eating processed, junk and oily food during this season which can cause inflammation and pain in the body.

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If there is continuous bone and joint pain, then take calcium and vitamin D supplements only under the supervision of a doctor. It should not happen that you become your own doctor at home.

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