Do you throw eggshells in the garbage? Just wait… First know these 3 tremendous benefits of it

Eggshells Health Benefits: Most people would be aware of this fact that eggs are rich in many essential nutrients. This is the reason why it is made a part of a balanced diet. However, our full attention is only on egg white and egg yolk. Hardly anyone pays attention to the white shells of the eggs. We consider egg shells only as garbage and throw them away. But do you know that apart from egg white and yolk, its peels are also a wonderful thing?

Egg shells are called “eggshells”. These can also prove to be helpful in removing many of your health problems. According to a study, egg shells contain calcium carbonate, protein and other essential minerals. It has also been found in the study that each shell contains about 40 percent calcium. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information report, the shell of half an egg can comfortably meet the daily calcium requirement of an adult.

benefits of egg shells

1. Good for bone health: Calcium carbonate is found in abundance in eggshells, which helps in keeping bones healthy and safe. Apart from this, egg shells are also good sources of magnesium, fluoride and other essential minerals.

2. Helpful in reducing the risk of osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a disease due to which the bones become weak and brittle. Millions of people around the world are affected by osteoporosis. Calcium deficient food can give rise to this problem. To protect yourself from osteoporosis, you can include egg shells in your diet. Because there is a lot of calcium present in the egg shell, which not only reduces the risk of osteoporosis, but also helps in strengthening the bones.

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3. Beneficial for joint health: Egg shells are also very beneficial for joint health. If you want to consume egg shells in powder form, be careful not to remove the membrane. Because it can prove to be helpful in improving the health of the joints.

How to eat egg shell?

The best way to consume egg shells is to first boil the eggs well. Then break the egg shells and grind them to make powder. You can also consume it with food. It can also be consumed with juice or water. However, before including egg shells in your diet, you must consult a doctor.

dangers associated with eggshells

Experts believe that egg shells should be eaten in small pieces only. This is because large pieces can damage the throat and esophagus (a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach). In addition, there are bacteria on the eggshell, such as Salmonella enteritidis. This is the reason why it is advised to boil them before eating to avoid food poisoning.

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