Does Baking Bread on a Gas Stove Also Cause Cancer? It’s the Truth

Myth and reality about cancer: Earlier it was cooked on the flame of a stove but today gas cylinders are present in every household. Now rotis are made only on a gas flame. In many homes roti is cooked directly on a gas flame. It is said that by doing this the risk of cancer increases drastically. There are many claims circulating on social media that cooking bread on a gas stove can cause cancer.

If you are wondering whether making roti in a gas stove can lead to a dangerous disease like cancer. Then let us know what is the truth. Regarding such thingsABP Live Hindi Special Offer is Myth Vs Facts. Myths Vs Facts Series» tries to get you out of the quagmire of orthodox speeches and bring you the truth.

In such a situation, let us know how much truth there is in this matter, can bread made in a gas fire really cause cancer?

Myth: Does baking bread on a gas stove cause cancer?

Do– Many people want to cook quickly. In such situations, shortcuts are adopted. Roti cooks quickly on the gas flame, that’s why most people who prepare roti cook it directly on the flame. It is said that while cooking roti on a gas flame, many types of chemicals enter it.

Additionally, cooking roti on very high heat brings it into contact with carcinogens like heterocyclic amine (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Baking bread on gas can also introduce many dangerous pollutants including carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide into the bread, increasing the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

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What do health experts say?
Celebrity dietitian Shikha Kumari also explained the disadvantages of cooking bread on gas in one of her Instagram posts. She said, “Earlier rotis were cooked on the pan by pressing them with another roti or using a cloth, but now tongs are used. Rotis are cooked directly on the flame. Cooking roti on the flame can bring many pollutants, due to which roti can become toxic and eating it can increase the risk of diseases like cancer.”

Why is it dangerous to bake bread on a gas flame?

1. Roti should always be cooked on a low or medium flame, try not to let the roti come directly into the gas flame.
2. Cooking roti on high heat releases carcinogens, which can make the roti harmful.
3. Keeping the roti directly on the gas using tongs can introduce many harmful chemicals into the roti.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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