Eating Habits to Avoid for Better Sleep After 50, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

If you have regular Sleeping problems and getting a good night’s rest, it could be because you’re getting older, or it could have something to do with the type of food you’re eating and when you are eating it. Or it could be a combination of both.

One third of adults experience insomnia symptoms at one point, according to experts from Johns Hopkins Medicine. And it’s common for the quality and length of your sleep to change in your 40s and 50s, sleep doctors say. This happens due to age-related changes in a part of your brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which controls your sleep/wake cycles, or circadian rhythms.

There isn’t much you can do to prevent these changes unless you can find a way to stop aging, but there is something you can do to sleep better at night: Avoid Feeding Habits that are detrimental to sleep and replace them with healthier habits that will lead to a sound sleep. These are the eating habits that you should avoid to sleep better after 50, according to the dietitians we consulted, and for more, do not miss them Secret Eating Habits to Reshape Your Body After 50, Dietitians Say.

eating in bed

A light snack 30 minutes before bed can help you feel drowsy, especially if the meal contains the natural sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Note that we said “light snack”, meaning a few almonds, maybe a small bowl of low sugar cereal with low-fat milk, or a little yogurt.

Avoid eating a large meal less than two to three hours before bedtime or you’ll still be digesting when you go to bed. “Your body temperature normally drops during sleep, but digestion causes a rise in core body temperature, which can make it more difficult to fall asleep and reduce sleep quality,” he says. Danielle McAvoy, MSPH, DRa registered dietitian with strong home gym.

night taxinight taxi

A glass or two of cabernet can make you sleepy, so you figure you’ll have a glass to help you nod off. That practice can be counterproductive for you. “Alcohol can cause a deep sleep at the beginning of the night, however, the second half of your sleep will probably be more interrupted and full of strange dreams,” he says. Kristine Dilley, RDNa registered dietitian nutritionist The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Drinking alcohol late at night promotes frequent waking and missed deep sleep cycles. “If you enjoy a cocktail in the evening, consider pairing it with dinner,” says Dilley.

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Eat excessivelyEat excessively

Many people avoid breakfast and lunch and even snacks throughout the day thinking they will save their calories for a more indulgent meal in the evening. Doing that can leave you so hungry at dinnertime that you can overeat and feel so full that you’ll have trouble falling asleep at bedtime, Dilley warns. It also increases the chances of indigestion. “It’s best to spread your calories throughout the day and then take your time at dinner to savor your food and avoid overeating,” he says.

spicy pastespicy paste

While timing your last meal is important for a good night’s sleep, what you eat can mean the difference between waking up feeling rested or groggy and sluggish. McAvoy recommends avoiding highly processed carbohydrates like pasta, chips, cakes and other baked goods “because they can cause you to wake up more often during the night.”

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Also avoid spicy foods, which can make it harder to fall asleep because they can cause heartburn and raise your core body temperature. Getting into the habit of eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains will improve sleep because your diet will be well balanced. “If you’re not getting enough magnesium, calcium, or vitamins from your diet, a lack of those nutrients has also been shown to reduce sleep quality,” says McAvoy.

RELATED: The best bedtime foods for weight loss, says science

fried foodfried food

Fast foods that are often high in protein, high in fat, and fried are poor choices to eat at night if restful sleep is your goal. “Fat and protein take longer to break down in the stomach,” says Holly Klamer, MS, RDNa registered dietitian nutritionist with “Eating high-fat foods and feeling overly full can disrupt sleep quality and lead to heartburn.”

Klamer suggests trying to eat most of your calories early in the day or at least scheduling dinner for the evening. It can not only improve her sleep, but also points out, a 2011 study eating late after 8 pm can increase the risk of developing obesity.

Coffee and teaCoffee and tea

If you drink four to six cups of coffee or tea a day, even if you drink them all in the morning, that could make your body restless and sleep less soundly, suggests Juliana TamayoMSdietitian and nutritionist “Sleep can be particularly disrupted if you drink caffeine in the afternoon or at night,” she says. “Although you may be able to fall asleep, your sleep cycles may not be deep or level.”

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If you usually go to bed at 10 pm, even a cup of tea at 2 pm can keep you awake. “It can take 6 to 8 hours for his body to process and eliminate the caffeine he consumes in one sitting,” says Dilley of Wexner Medical Center.

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