Eating healthier has many benefits; here are 3 recipes to get started

Many people give up certain lifestyle behaviors in observance of Lent as a sign of sacrifice and to develop self-discipline.

This may mean abstaining from specific foods or drinks (often animal products, alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or other favorites). If you are one of these people and have been successful with your abstinence during this time, congratulations! You can feel very proud of yourself.

Hopefully, any healthy changes you’ve made will become routine. Change is difficult for those who have lived their entire lives eating animal products, but every little change we make has an impact on our own bodies and, considering the fact that animal agriculture accelerates global warming, potentially on the entire the world.

Dr. Michael Greger, who specializes in clinical nutrition, is the author of a book called “How Not to Die.” It contains information about how the food we eat affects our health, both for better and for worse.

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