Experts unveil simple way to lose 2 stone without exercise

A new easy way to lose five pounds without the need to diet or exercise has been introduced.

While many may find it difficult to stick to their exercise regimen long after the New Year’s resolution has faded, experts in America say they’ve found a simple new method anyone can do to help lose weight.

It’s such a simple method that no exercise is needed, reports the express.

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A study, conducted by the University of Chicago, concluded that people who sleep more end up reducing their daily calorie intake.

The US study looked at the effect of increased sleep on overweight people who typically slept less than 6.5 hours a night, and the results showed that participants who slept more ended up eating less – 270 calories per day.

Done over a year, and without changing diet or exercise habits, this would lead to the equivalent of a person losing almost 9 pounds in weight.

Over three years, this works out to about 26 pounds, or almost two stones.

“Substantial evidence suggests that sleeping less than seven hours per night on a regular basis is associated with adverse health consequences,” the researchers said.

“In particular, insufficient sleep duration is increasingly recognized as an important risk factor for obesity.”

The findings come as a 2019 Health Survey for England estimated that 28 per cent of adults in England are obese. Another 36.2 percent are overweight but not obese.

How sleep can help with weight loss is simpler than you might think, according to the researchers.

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“If sleep is prolonged for longer periods, weight loss in the form of fat mass is likely to increase over time,” they said.

“Some observations suggest that seven to eight hours of sleep per night is associated with greater success in weight loss interventions.”

Why sleeping more reduces calorie intake is also a simple body mechanic.

“Evidence from laboratory sleep restriction studies suggests that increased hunger, alterations in appetite-regulating hormones, and changes in brain regions related to reward-seeking behavior are potential mechanisms that promote eating in excess after sleep restriction,” the researchers continued.

In short, this means that people who get fewer hours of sleep have a greater need for hunger, which means they are much more likely to overeat due to boredom.

“Improving and maintaining healthy sleep duration for longer periods could be part of obesity prevention and weight loss programs,” the researchers concluded.

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