Eye twitching is neither a good nor a bad omen, it can be due to a deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin deficiency and eye tremors: People often associate eye twitching with receiving auspicious or inauspicious signs. People believe that twitching in one eye brings auspicious signs and twitching in the other eye brings inauspicious signs. While it is a health issue. According to health experts, eye twitching can have many causes.

Vitamin deficiency can also be one of the reasons. In medical language, this problem is called myokemia. The human body needs many types of vitamins to function properly. Its deficiency has different effects on the body. Let us know which vitamin deficiency causes eye twitching…

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cause of eye twitching

Eye twitching can have many causes. First of all, eyes can twitch due to lack of sleep. In most cases, this problem resolves itself after a while. But this problem can bother some people for a long time. Because of this, you may experience problems at work and need treatment.

According to ophthalmologists, stress, eye strain, excess caffeine, certain medications, and dry eyes can also be the cause of eye twitching. However, along with this, there can also be a complaint of eye twitching due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin for health and its deficiency can lead to many problems. Eye twitching or difficulty in moving the eyelids is also considered a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

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prevent eye twitching

To avoid the problem of eye twitching, it is important to get complete sleep. Along with this, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake, managing tension, and doing eye exercises can help. Along with this, foods rich in vitamin B12 should be included in the diet.

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Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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