Fatty Liver Affects 80% of Women Over 40 — Here’s How to Prevent and Reverse It

A liver free of clogging fats speeds up metabolism, boosts immunity, increases energy and keeps the mind alert. In addition, it protects against dementia, high blood pressure, and heart disease. And while wear and tear on the hard-working organ can lead to fatty liver, a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, affects 80 percent of women over the age of 40. Fortunately, these four simple tips will show you how to prevent and reverse fatty liver!

Eggs are the best food.

Eating two eggs a couple of times a week raises your levels of choline, a nutrient that 90 percent of us don’t get enough of. That’s the key since the liver uses choline to break down fat. In a study from the University of North Carolina, 80% of women with fatty liver who increased their intake of choline had a 100% reversal of the condition, often within 30 days. Turkey, chicken, beef, and broccoli also provide a boost. For added assurance on how to reverse fatty liver, Taz Bhatia, MD, recommends supplementing with 500 mg. of choline daily. Try: Nature’s Way Choline (Shop iHerb.com, $9.26)

Coffee is the best drink.

If the cold winter makes you want to pour yourself another cup or two of coffee, go ahead! Japanese research reveals that drinking three cups a day reduces the chances of fatty liver by 78 percent. Java caffeine and Chlorogenic acid defend against cell damage that causes fat to accumulate in the organ.

Curcumin is the best spice compound.

Curcumin, a compound in the vibrantly hued Indian spice turmeric, does more than just add flavor to soups, stews, and rice dishes. It also increases enzymes that remove fatty deposits from the liver. In fact, a study in the journal Research in Phytotherapy found that adding curcumin to participants’ diets reduced liver fat by 51 percent in eight weeks. And all it takes is 1⁄2 teaspoon per day.

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Dancing is the best thing to do.

Just 30 minutes of daily activity helps the liver burn 39 percent of its stored fat, British scientists say. As fatty liver researcher Jeffrey B. Schwimmer, MD explains, moderate-intensity exercise triggers the breakdown of fat in the organ. He recommends dancing because it’s fun and easy, but three 10-minute activity episodeslike carrying groceries from the car or going up and down the stairs, work too.

This article originally appeared in our print magazine, women’s world.

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