Food is not cooking properly in cooker? Catch the error immediately with these tricks

Pressure Cooker: Pressure cooker is a very important part of the kitchen. A pressure cooker is used to cook anything quickly. At the same time, pressure cooker is also used to melt the lentils well. Also, it saves a lot on your gas bill as well. But many times the pressure is not able to build up in the old cooker. Because of this, things take a long time to cook. In such a situation, just like you other things in the kitchen, the cooker also needs maintenance. Let us know how to keep the cooker right.

Check rubber if no pressure builds up

If pressure is not created in the pressure cooker, then it becomes very difficult to cook the food. Therefore, if there is no pressure in your cooker, then first of all check the rubber to see if it is damaged. Sometimes pressure does not build up in the cooker even due to the loss of rubber. So try to change the rubber every 2 to 3 months.

Steam may leak

Many times when the food starts cooking after closing the cooker, you will see that gas is leaking from the lid. If you feel like this, first of all check the lid of the cooker, if it is crooked then it is there. Apart from this, in some situations, the lid of the cooker also becomes crooked. Do not straighten the lid by yourself in this position. Get it corrected by a mechanic.

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If you are cooking food in a cooker, it may be that the food sticks to the bottom surface. In this situation, it may be that more pressure is being created in the cooker. Too much pressure can cause the cooker to burst. To avoid such an accident, get the cooker repaired immediately from the market.

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