Food Tips: 5 Foods to Help You Sleep Through The Night

People who get sick often do not follow a healthy sleep pattern. With a healthy sleep pattern, the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and obesity decreases. With good sleep, you can make better decisions at home and at work. It is important that you eat a healthy diet and get a good night’s sleep.Also read – Studies show that diabetics who eat less processed foods at night can live longer

An unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep or a high calorie meal at night interferes with the natural sleep pattern and makes it difficult for you to sleep and become restless. In addition, certain foods can help calm your nerves and help you sleep better. Also read – World Sleep Day: 7 Tips for Sleeping Better at Night and How It Helps Improve Quality of Life

Also known as dry plump, this is good for providing excellent sleep. Prunes are rich in vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium. This helps in the production of melatonin – a hormone that promotes sleep. You can have prunes 30-minutes before bedtime, add to your dinner or take it with a glass of warm milk. Also read – Holi Food Recipes: Experiment with these 5 Summer Coolers this Holi

According to Ayurveda, drinking a cup of hot milk helps in getting good sleep. To get a good night’s sleep, you can use organic A2 cow’s milk, goat’s milk or almond milk. You can customize your milk with a pinch of nutmeg, raw turmeric or ashwagandha powder before going to bed.

According to Ayurveda, banana is a good food to eat at night. Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium. Banana is a good fruit for relaxing the muscles of the body and for vitamin B6.

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For a good night’s sleep, nuts should be right for you. Almonds contain magnesium and tryptophan. It helps relax muscles and nerve function. You can eat it with bananas and almonds to get more benefits.

Caffeine-free herbal tea, known for calming the nerves, is amazing. It helps in reducing stress in the body and giving good sleep. It also helps in hydration of the body and goes easily to the intestines.


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