Have you got your child flu shot, know why this vaccine is important in monsoon

Influenza Vaccine Dosage For Kids: As soon as the rainy season comes, diseases start bothering them. In this season, people are troubled by cold-cough and viral fever. Children’s health deteriorates quickly in the rain. In such a situation, doctors recommend getting a flu shot. Children whose immunity is weak, they must get the flu shot at the beginning of monsoon. With this, children can be saved from cold, fever and many diseases. Know why the flu shot is important.

flu symptoms
Influenza is a respiratory viral infection. The symptoms of flu are very similar to those of corona virus. Its symptoms are like cough, cold, mild fever, body ache.

When should children be given a flu shot?
The baby can be given a flu shot after 6 months. Children must get a flu shot in the rain. Flu causes pneumonia and bronchitis. Pneumonia causes infection in the lungs. And in bronchitis, the infection spreads to the tubes carrying air to the lungs. This causes trouble in breathing. Sometimes there is a risk of seizure due to high fever. Having a flu shot reduces the risk of these diseases.

Children who have trouble breathing, they have more trouble when the season changes. In such a situation, children suffering from asthma benefit from the flu shot. Doctors say that the AFKC rate of flu vaccine is between 50 and 70 percent. Children should be given flu shot, as it works to protect children from many seasonal diseases.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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