Health: Know what is brain haemorrhage and what are its symptoms?

What Is Brain Hemorrhage: Everyone is in shock after the death of TV actor Dipesh Bhan due to brain haemorrhage. At the age of 41, Dipesh Bhan fell on the ground while playing cricket, he was immediately taken to the hospital but by the time he had died. According to doctors, the cause of his death was brain haemorrhage. Know what is brain hemorrhage and what are its symptoms?

what is brain hemorrhage
Brain hemorrhage is a type of brain stroke in which bleeding occurs in the brain. The reason for this bleeding can be an accident, brain tumor, high blood pressure (high BP) or stroke. Due to bleeding in the brain, oxygen is not supplied to the brain and this can lead to brain cell death.

What is the cause of brain haemorrhage
The reason for this is not known in advance, but in most cases, if there has been a major accident, there has been a severe head injury, if there is a fall on the head or there is a blow, then brain hemorrhage can occur. A brain haemorrhage can occur if a ball or something is hit while playing sports. Apart from this, brain stroke and very high blood pressure can also cause brain hemorrhage.

How to avoid brain haemorrhage?
If there is any injury or blow to the head due to any reason, do not ignore it and consult a doctor immediately. If the brain is injured due to any accident and blood comes, then it can cause memory loss, loss of eyesight or paralysis. This can also lead to mental disability and can also lead to death due to excessive bleeding.
If anyone has blurred vision, severe headache, malaise, trembling hands and feet, sensitivity to light, then definitely see a doctor due to any injury or without an accident. These symptoms can be of brain tumor and bleeding in the head can also happen in brain tumor.

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