Health Tips: How many cashews should be eaten daily? Know the benefits and price of cashew nuts

Dry Fruits For Health: It is very tasty to eat cashew nuts. Cashew is the most favorite dry fruit for everyone from children to elders. There are many benefits of eating cashew nuts. People who eat cashews daily do not lack calcium, zinc and magnesium in their body. Cashews are rich in protein, minerals, fiber and anti-oxidants. Cashews are a good source of iron, fiber, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and calcium. If you get to eat Roasted Cashew, then it is not possible to control even after eating 2-4. Some people eat a lot of cashew nuts in one go because of the taste. Let us know how many cashews should be eaten in a day. What are the benefits of eating cashew nuts and how much cashew is available per kg.

how many cashews to eat in a day
Cashews may seem tasty to eat, but you should not eat more than 3-4 or many more than 5 cashews in a day. Eating more cashews can upset your stomach and you can do harm instead of benefit.

Benefits of eating cashew nuts
1- Eating cashews strengthens the bones. Calcium and magnesium are found in cashew, which is beneficial for bone health.
2- By eating cashew, the glucose level in the body remains under control. Therefore cashew is also beneficial for diabetic patients.
3- People who eat cashews in limited quantity daily, their digestion remains good. Eating cashews provides fiber, which removes the problem of gas and constipation.
4- If you eat 3-4 cashews, then it also helps in controlling weight. Eating cashews reduces obesity. It contains good fats and carbohydrates which increase your metabolism.
5- Eating cashews daily reduces the problem of wrinkles on the skin. Cashews contain vitamin E and anti-oxidant properties, which keep your skin and hair healthy.

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How many rupees a kilo are found in cashew nuts
You will find many types of cashew nuts in the market. You get broken cashew nuts at a low cost. If you want to buy whole and good quality cashew nuts, then you will get 1 kg cashew for 1500 rupees. If you buy cashews from online websites like Amazon, Flipkart, then you will get a good discount here, you can buy 1 kg cashew for 1000 or 900 rupees.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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