Health Tips: These healthy salads will control your hypertension, include them in the diet

Salad Recipes For Hypertension Patients: Hypertension patients have to be very careful in their diet. Hypertension patients are advised to eat foods rich in potassium and fiber. Apart from this, they also have to take care of the amount of sodium in their diet. In such a situation, it is obvious that the patients of hypertension sometimes have a desire to eat something different. Today we are going to tell you the recipe of special healthy salad for hypertension patients, which can reduce their cravings.

Mushroom Salad
To make this, take a bowl, add a cup of mushrooms, 2 cubed cups, 2 tomatoes and boiled green beans. Now make a dressing of olive oil, minced garlic and vinegar in it. Mix it well and add it to the mushroom mixture. Now toss it well and serve this healthy salad.

fruit salad
To make this, take a cup of low fat curd. Add 1 to 2 dates, some raisins and some banana in it. Mix it well and add some berries, pears and oranges over it. Serve.

Sweet Potato and Beans Salad
In a bowl, add cooked sweet potatoes, steamed beans, some broccoli, carrots, black beans, corns, avocados and celery. Mix it well and add salt and black pepper to it. Mix and serve.

Cucumber and Garlic Salad
Take grated cucumber in a bowl, add smoked and mashed garlic, add some apple cider vinegar and some water. Now mix it and add mint leaves, salt, black pepper and some honey. Mix all these and serve.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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