Heart Health: 9 hours of sitting job is dangerous for the heart, take care of these things

Sitting Job Is Not Goog For Heart: Indian people work for the longest time. People here work more than 48 hours a week. Nowadays there are mostly sitting jobs in multinational companies. In such a situation, working continuously for 9-10 hours is proving to be harmful for health. Long working hours are affecting health. This is causing many problems. The problem of body pain, back pain and headache is increasing in such people. Diseases like heart and cancer are increasing due to working hours under stress. If you also do long sitting job then take care of your health. We are giving you such tips which will help in keeping you healthy during office work.

There is a risk of these diseases from long sitting jobs
1- The problem of back pain is common in such people.
2- Working on a laptop or computer for a long time increases the cervical pain.
3- The problem of blood pressure has started increasing in those with long sitting jobs.
4- Obesity is increasing rapidly among people doing jobs while sitting.
5- Such people are having high cholesterol and heart related diseases.
6- There is a lot of stress in today’s job, due to which the problem of muscle pain increases.

Take care of yourself like this in long sitting job
1- You should take a break of 5 minutes every hour between work and move around a bit.
2- If you work sitting in one place for hours, then keep stretching the hands and feet.
3- When you get time in between, rotate your neck and exercise the shoulders by raising both the hands.
4- Take great care of your posture in the sitting job. Sit with your back straight.
5- Avoid drinking too much tea or coffee between work.
6- You drink herbal tea or green tea instead of tea.
7- If there is any tension during work, then take a deep breath and relax yourself and work.
8- Where your work station is, keep something of your favorite or flat. This will make you happy.

  हाइपरटेंशन से जा सकती है जान, समय रहते लक्षणों की करें पहचान वरना बढ़ जाता है हार्ट अटैक का खतरा

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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