How to move: exercising with chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that cannot be fully explained by any other medical condition.

Research Suggests exercise can have a positive effect on fatigue in people with CFS, but the evidence is limited, and even small amounts of exertion can cause post-exertional malaise. Sarah Comensoli, an exercise physiologist, says it’s counterintuitive to start exercising if you know there’s a risk of discomfort.

Exercise isn’t a cure, Comensoli says, but it can help build function and strength, and improve sleep and energy levels. “We don’t focus on removing all the pain, but we do keep the focus on function,” she says. “Exercise can help people do more.”

Inactivity makes the body even less able to handle exertion and can exacerbate other symptoms, such as pain and stiffness. But Andrew Fitzgerald, a sports and musculoskeletal physical therapist, says everyone has different limits when it comes to exercise, and it’s crucial for people with CFS to know theirs. For some people, exercise may not be recommended.

Here is a simple guide to exercise when living with CFS. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a physical therapist or doctor before starting an exercise program. Exercise can make the disease much worse if not done properly.

The class: pilates

Pilates-based conditioning exercises offer a gentle, full-body workout that suits various fitness levels and can be beneficial for people with CFS. It combines stretching and strengthening exercises on the floor with the aim of toning the entire body through controlled and precise movements.

Pilates exercises focus on strengthening your core muscles, which can help support the rest of your body. A strong core can relieve stress on your back and extremities, which can result in less fatigue.

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Pilates may not be the place to start for those who haven’t been active in a while. But for those who already have some level of mobility and low levels of stiffness, Pilates can improve overall strength and fitness.

The Move: Leg Press

“Reclined or recumbent exercises are usually a good place to start for someone with chronic fatigue,” says Melissa Williams, an integrative physical therapist.

Strength exercises on the ground can counteract the deconditioning of muscles that occurs when people go long periods without exercising.

A simple version of the leg press is an exercise that can help strengthen your lower body.

Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet in the air. Place a resistance band under the arches of your feet, holding the ends of the band with your hands and adjust the tension by moving your hands closer to or further away from your armpits.

Bring your knees toward your chest without lifting your hips off the ground, and then push your legs away from you, against the resistance band, as far as feels comfortable. Then bring your knees towards your chest.

You can further modify the exercise by extending one leg at a time or removing the resistance band.

Strengthen core muscles, such as leg muscles, can improve mechanical efficiency when performing daily activities. But when performing resistance exercises like the leg press, it’s strongly recommended not to go to exhaustion because that can exacerbate fatigue.

“[Exercise] it’s about making sure someone can function in their daily tasks, before worrying about doing something too technical or hard,” Comensoli says.

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activity: walking

the energy demands of walking it can be significantly higher for people with CFS compared to other people. But regular walks, even just for a few minutes, can help people with CFS move in a manageable way.

Exhausting a pedometer and a heart rate monitor it can help you measure how far and how hard you can walk before reaching a state of fatigue. This can help you establish the level of activity that you can handle without experiencing any adverse effects or post-exertional discomfort.

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The hard pass: high intensity activity

“High-intensity or endurance activities, such as long-distance running, are not recommended,” says Fitzgerald.

“It’s not to say that those things are off the table indefinitely,” says Williams. “But it’s important to have a program tailored to how your body responds.”

Williams says that progress isn’t always gradual or linear, and rest plays a crucial role in managing CFS.

“Some CFS sufferers feel like they need to push themselves to get better or progress,” she says.

“Our advice to people is to listen to your body and follow what it tells you to do.”

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