How to sustain the will to run as a daily habit

NEW YORK — Dr. Nicole Hagobian, a marathon runner, track and field coach, and sports and exercise scientist at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, knows how difficult it can be to lace up your running shoes and head out on the street. gate.

Here are some suggestions to stay motivated.

Schedule runs as meetings

Dr. Hagobian treats their careers the same way she treats their work: with deliberation and deadlines.

“Personally I put it on my calendar as if it were a meeting,” he said. “So it’s part of what I’m going to do that day.”

To accommodate her schedule, Dr. Hagobian leaves early in the morning. If she feels less excited, she will remind herself how she will feel when she is done and she will tell herself that if she doesn’t run now, she will miss her chance for the day.

get some help

Having a partner or a group to run with (or talk about running with) can be a great source of encouragement, Dr. Hagobian said, especially if their strengths are different from yours.

For example, Dr. Hagobian prefers speed work (runs interrupted by bursts of high-intensity exertion) to long-pace runs (runs that hold a challenging pace for long periods of time). His running mate prefers the opposite, so they rely on each other for motivation.

Use smart reminders

Visual cues—sticky notes on a mirror, alerts on your phone, running gear laid out the night before—can make it easier to get going when you’re busy.

calm negative emotions

Dr. Hagobian rephrases negative thoughts into positive language. If he wants to avoid starting a race too fast, for example, he’ll think, “I’m going to start at a moderate pace” (positive) instead of “I’m not going to start too fast” (negative). ).

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Focus on one mile at a time

When she begins to feel overwhelmed by a long run, Dr. Hagobian will focus only on the stretch she’s on. She’ll say things like “I got you, Mile 1,” “You’re going down, Mile 2,” and so on.

be kind to yourself

Sometimes people skip runs or cut them short when they’re not feeling their best, he said, but stopping exercise often makes runners feel worse.

When you’re feeling a little off, Dr. Hagobian said, you’ll pay less attention to how fast you’re running and focus mostly on the fact that you’re pushing yourself.

Mixing things up by changing your route can also increase your interest and inspiration to run.

This article originally appeared on The New York Times.


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